笔墨帮 > 致辞 > 主持词


来源:笔墨帮 2.3W 次

: we are joining here today celebrating a special holiday - christmas.


b: you know what a lot of americans do before they eat christmas dinner?

a: what do they do?

b: they pray first, hand in hand.

a: alright! let's welcome our first performance: hand in hand.

b: that was great.

a: although people get together in groups sharing common interest and background. but there are times when we need private space and time.

b: escaping from conformity and gaining freedom are important values in life. introducing our next performance: breaking free.

you make you want away 是什么啊?。。。。给你跳过啦,真的猜不到埃

a: ok, everyone is so good! it's time for a little break. we are playing a game.

b: 说game的规则。

a: i hope everyone enjoyed the game just now.

b: you know life is filled with all types of love.

a: you are right. love is everywhere.

b: next up is a love song : when there was me and you.

a: awww, that song was very sweet. but you know, love is powerful and sometimes destructive.

b: true, let's hear from our next singer: always getting over you to see how he (or she) got over with love. (smile sarcastically)

a: love is definitely one of the stronger emotions people could have. but you know what else is very important?

b: what is it? don't tell me it's food.... (this is a joke here)

a: no no no. it's dream. with hope and dream, one can achieve anything. (貌似冥思苦想,陷入深思)

b: okay (sarcastically). while he is dreaming, let's get our next performance up: i have a dream.

a: ohh i gueit's time for me to wake up! did i mia good show?

b: you sure did! but the next one is also great. so, let's welcome our next singer with her song: big big world.

a: i hope people are not falling asleep like i was. i bet not! the performance was just so great right?

b: of course. alright, let's do another game right now.

a: ok we are back to our show. next up is a short skit called 孔雀东南飞.

b: oh that was funny! they really knew how to move the crowd.

a: yes. hey do you like pretty boys?

b: hmm... everyone does right? i mean pretty girls and pretty boys.

a: do you like me? (装害羞)

b: (smile) i think he is still dreaming. ok, let's welcome our next singer for : pretty boy.

a: you know we had a lot of people singing today. do you want to see something different?

b: sure!

a: let's welcome xxx bringing for us magic trick yyy.

b: that was amazing! how did he(or she) do that?

a: i don't know... let's go ask him.

b: hey hey hey! we are hosting a show here!

a: oh, right... you know i learned something new today.

b: what is it?

a: how to host a show....

b: it's your first time hosting a show?

a: yes. i hope i am doing alright.

b: you are doing great! you know everyone should learn something new everyday.

a: let's welcome our next song: start of something new. maybe that will inspire everyone here a little.

b: that was great. and we have another singer up for song everyday.

a: after the songs. i think people want to listen to something more smooth.

b: oh i think so. let's welcome our next performance: the wing of love.

a: you know i feel like by talking so much in between performances... we are just grinding time.

b: wow... you are so good... introducing our next song already.

a: oh, did i? (装糊涂)

b: alright, next up is xxx for grind time.

a: oh wow... time is already up.

b: wait wait... i think there is one more.

a: really? oh ... wait! there is.

b: alright. applause for our last but for sure the best : 下沙.

a: thank you for coming today. i hope everyone enjoyed the show.

b: thanks to all the performers. :)

a: :)

#主持词 #晚会